There will be a troop meeting this Sunday at 6pm at the VFW in Ellis Hall. Scouts will be planning the Oct campout. If you are attending the campout please plan to attend the meeting.
We have a troop meeting this Sunday from 6-7:30. We will have Order of the Arrow Elections and work on skills for Camporee. Please wear your class A uniform.
There is a troop meeting this sunday from 6-7:30 at the VFW. We will be planning the November Horseback Riding Campout. If you are attending the campout please RSVP and plan to attend the planning meeting.
We have a troop meeting scheduled but I know there are some families out of town. Please RSVP so we will know if anything can be accomplished. We would like to do start stop continue for summer camp, check over all requirements from camp and do sign offs and work on the communication merit badge.
We will be hosting a troop recruiting event at the VFW on March 5 from 3-10pm. This event is for girls interested in scouting to come check out our troop and introduce them to our scouts. The focus of this event is FUN. Some activities we have planned are rainbow looming, human Clue, Chopped themed desserts, and breakfast for dinner!
The troop is switching websites. The address will remain the same but it will look completely different. We will have a brief introduction to the new site before a troop meeting.