Summer Camp deposits due

Posted by jwevans on Feb 7 2024 - 1:47pm

Summer Camp deposits are due 2/16. You can give money to Mrs. Jameson by check, cash or the troop Venmo. The deposit is $175 per scout and $65 per adult.

Summer Camp deposits due

Posted by jwevans on Feb 21 2024 - 1:35pm

This is your final reminder that summer camp deposits are due this week! Please join us for summer camp. We are going to have so much fun.

Summer Camp deposits due 2/16

Posted by jwevans on Jan 31 2024 - 1:53pm

We are attending Camp Rockefeller in Ak this summer. All scouts are strongly encouraged to attend. Please RSVP in the calendar and pay your deposit by 2/16.

Summer Camp is almost here

Posted by on Jun 7 2023 - 7:24pm

Summer camp leave and return details were announced at the last troop meeeting.
We meet Sunday, 6/11 at 8:45am for a 9am leave time. Pack a sack lunch to eat on the way to summer camp. Dinner will be the first meal provided at camp.

Summer Camp MB Selection

Posted by on Mar 21 2023 - 7:10pm

Don't forget to give Mrs. Stone your summer camp merit badge selection list at the next troop meeting. Try to get one or more Eagle-required merit bad

Summer Camp Medical Forms DUE SUNDAY, June 2nd

Posted by aheitmann on May 29 2024 - 6:10pm

If you or your scout is attending summer camp please provide Ashley your Medical Forms parts A, B, and C PLUS a copy of your health insurance card.
This is required to attend Summer Camp.

Summer Camp Packing

Posted by on May 23 2023 - 4:17pm

Attached is the packing list for summer camp.

Footlockers are not required or recommended. We can fit all our gear into our cars easier if we do not have footlockers.

Summer Camp Packing List

Posted by on May 18 2022 - 1:17pm

The summer camp packing list has been added to attached documents under the summer camp event on the troop calendar. It will be here before we know it

Summer Camp Prep- Swim Evaluations

Posted by jwevans on May 1 2024 - 7:53pm

We are getting close to summer Camp. To help us prepare we will be having swim evaluations on May 19 and June 2. Even if you are not attending camp please plan on attending as their are some rank requirements that require swim evaluations and it is helpful to know the swimming ability of everyone in the troop when planning campouts.

Summer Camp Preperations- Medical Forms

Posted by jwevans on Apr 24 2024 - 12:42pm

It is not quite May but Summer camp will be here before you know it. There are some preperations that you should start thinking about now. All scouts and adults that are attending summer camp require medical forms A, B and C.